Tag: webinar
Feed, Grain and Dairy Markets Around the World and Here in the Northeast
Join Farm Credit East for a webinar on Thursday, June 11 at 12 noon for an outlook for feed, grain and dairy markets. Featuring Ken Zuckerberg of CoBank, this presentation […]
Harvesting Winter Cover Crops: Grazing & Forage Season Extension Webinar Series
This webinar will discuss how you can harvest your overwintering cover crops as forage by grazing in the fall and grazing or harvesting in the spring. This includes fall planting […]
Brassicas & Other Cool Season Annuals: Grazing & Forage Season Extension Webinar Series
This webinar will discuss brassicas and other cool-season annuals for grazing or stored feed. This includes species-specific information, planting and management, and feeding considerations. Our speaker is Heather Darby, agronomy […]
Improving Pastures with No-Till Methods: Grazing & Forage Season Extension Webinar Series
This webinar will discuss no-till methods to manage pastures. This includes over-seeding with annuals and strategies to improve or renovate existing pastures. Our speaker is Richard Kersbergen, animal and forage […]
Summer Annuals: Grazing & Forage Season Extension Webinar Series
This webinar will discuss warm-season annuals suitable for grazing or stored forage as an alternative to traditional hay, pasture, or silage. This includes species-specific information, planting times, management, feed considerations, […]
COVID-19 Federal Resources Update
The COVID-19 crisis is an evolving situation, and as new information unfolds, policy is implemented, and opportunities present themselves, we want to make sure you don’t miss any time-sensitive prospects. […]
Webinar: Dairy Risk Management Concepts for the Current Environment
Farm Credit East and Crop Growers, LLP will be hosting a webinar on Thursday, April 30, from 12:30 to 2 p.m. that will address risk management tools for the current […]
The Dairy Signal: Insights for informed decisions webinar series
A FREE source for up-to-date news on today’s changing industry. Tune in every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from noon until 1pm CT (1–2pm EST) to learn about the latest resources […]
COVID-19 and Your Dairy Webinar
Richard Stup, PhD, Cornell Agricultural Workforce Development and Rob Lynch, DVM, Cornell CALS PRO-DAIRY Topics include: why prevention of the coronavirus/COVID-19 is important, steps that employers should take to protect […]
Farm Credit East Presents 2020 Dairy Outlook Webinar
ENFIELD, CONN., JAN. 7, 2020 —The last several years have been a challenge for many Northeast dairy producers. Although dairy prices were higher in 2019 than in recent years, there […]