GRANVILLE, Mass. (WWLP) – The Town of Granville could soon be using cattle to create energy.

The town’s select board plans to power their municipal buildings with credits from Rockwood Farm, which is planning to build a methane digestor.

A digestor converts manure into methane gas, which will run a generator that will heat and power the farm. The farm will sell its metering credits to the town.

The local renewable energy would reduce the cost for powering town buildings.

Dairy farmer and Town Selectman Richard Woodger said a changing dairy industry made the project appealing.

“The dairy industry has been going through some pretty rough times lately, prices are pretty low. We’re looking for any kind of method that we can, to stay in business, stay sustainable.”

Woodger said the digestor will also reduce the smell of the manure. The farm is still in the permitting process, but Rockwood Farms hopes to have the $2 million digestor running by December of this year.